Learn about children’s activities, special events and more.Dynamite Disciples Wednesday's 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Begins on Wednesday, September 11th A children’s ministry program for PreK - 8th grade, to help children grow as disciples of Jesus. Providing a safe, nurturing and loving environment as children begin their journey of faith and relationship to God and the church. Teaching God loves us, we love God, and we love others. 7th & 8th Grade Youth Group Wednesday's 5:30-6:30 p.m. Begins on Wednesday, September 11th Jr. High youth group provides a safe, nurturing and supporting community for youth to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. It is a place to build a foundation of faith as they discover God's plan. to plant seeds of faith that will be nurtured to grow and become strongly rooted in a meaningful and guiding spiritual life that will accompany them long into their adult years. High School Youth Group Wednesday's 6:30-7:30 p.m. Begins on Wednesday, September 11th The high school youth group provides a supportive community for youth to come together wherever they are in their faith journey, walk alongside them as they grow and be a safe place where they can ask questions and learn to seek faithful answers. A time where they can become strongly rooted in a meaningful and guiding spiritual life that will accompany them long into their adult years. Community Wide Vacation Bible School VBS is a year Christian learning event held in the Summer as a joint community event with local churches. |
Dynamite Disciples - KICK OFF Party and Registration will be on Wednesday, September 11th!
Dynamite Disciples - Wednesday Night Church School We are in need of volunteers to help teach and assist groups! We would love to have your help teaching our wonderful youth in the community about our Lord! Interested individuals please contact Pastor Kevin. Confirmation Class Families with 7th & 8th graders, we will have confirmation later this year. Information to come out later. All 7th & 8th graders are welcome to attend, there will be a time at the end of the confirmation class to decide as a family if the youth wants to be confirmed at CRUMC. Also feel free to talk to Pastor Kevin about the class if you have questions at anytime. |